Although our rolling fields and Hoosier hospitality are charming, Indiana (and the rest of the Midwest) is not generally well-known to those outside the United States. This caused me particular difficulties when I lived in Nairobi before coming to Kelley. “Where are you from?” my Kenyan friends would ask. “Oh, I’m from west of New York City and a little bit south of Chicago.We grow corn.” This was the pocket-sized Indiana that I offered as my home: a middle place, somewhere between the big cities.
This flattened and folded version of my state offered so little. Indiana is the annual excitement of Colts football. Indiana is elephant ears at the State Fair and homegrown tomatoes.Indiana is Gary steel yards and Bloomington forests. Indiana also differs vastly from the many other places west of New York City and south of Chicago. Louisiana bayous and crawfish are a far cry from Indiana soybeans and cattle.
My Kenyan friends could never imagine Indiana, or the rest of the Midwest, through my cursory description of home. In many ways, we as Americans face the same challenge in envisioning the complex, clamoring, diverse continent that is Africa. Africa is a few big cities, some neat safaris, and a lot of space in between.
There is great beauty and importance to a program like GLOBASE Ghana. Throughout the course, Ghana reveals itself as a particular place. Ghana becomes the colors of kente cloth, the smell of the sea, and the frenzied cheering of the football (soccer) fans in packed stadiums.The clients we work with emerge from their context as real people: men and women facing dynamic problems and possibilities.
These men and women will introduce us to a Ghana that cannot be grasped in an Internet search or a news clipping. In a little less than nine months, the GLOBASE Ghana team will walk with them through the marketplace, smelling open fires and roasting fish. We will stand in their workshops and laugh with employees. We will share their food and their stories. And as we learn and listen, we will also give, working together to cultivate business strategies that make a lasting impact.
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