Global Business and Social Enterprise

In an increasingly global economy, international experience for Indiana University MBA candidates comes from hands-on work in the field as much as the classroom. A group of students, led by Professor Sheri Fella, travel to Ghana to help local entrepreneurs tackle business challenges using cutting edge business practices. The Kelley MBA GLOBASE initiative provides a unique social enterprise experience by partnering with Ghanaian businesses to make a global impact.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Week #2

By Nicole Francis

GLOBASE Ghana has been such an exciting and rich learning environment thus far….and it is only class 2!! Today, I felt that the highlights of the session were our visitor from Ghana and the international business discussion. Bernard, the amazing musician, led an interactive session where he introduced us to traditional Ghanaian and African instruments. He played us a song that we were able to sing a long to and participate by clapping and singing! A great time was had by all J One thing that I took away was the meaning of a Ghanaian symbol that is extremely popular and meaningful, it is called the Adinkra, and I have seen it as tattoos to earring designs at Emefa Jewellery. I feel the music helped our class to experience the culture up close and personal.

The International Business discussion was also helpful in that it allowed the four teams to take some time to think about how to effectively communicate with our clients, by understanding that the data collection process will require some creativity and leniency. We, as a group, pinpointed some areas that we anticipated difficulty and worked on contingency plans that would help us to work around them. GLOBASE Ghana just keeps getting better. I look forward to the weeks to come.

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